AMI Primary Guide 2019 -2023
I continue to marvel at my good fortune of being a part of the EMC community. I have never before been a part of a community that places such a high value on the meaning of family and that is so dedicated to its mission to provide the highest quality Montessori education while also helping each of us grow into our best selves as guides and as colleagues. That we are supported and trusted is never in question, and this inspires us to do our very best work each day. EMC is an amazing Montessori school, one of the best in the world, and luckily for me, it is located in a country with a rich culture, full of genuine and warmhearted people. Everything I need to grow personally and professionally I have found here, and I couldn’t be more grateful for this opportunity.
AMI Primary Guide 2019 -2023
Community support is paramount during major transitions. The support offered by Ecole Montessori is unmatched. They ensured that my family and I had everything we needed; physically, socially and emotionally for a seamless transition. Morocco has become home away from home. The culture, positive rhythm and vibrations of Ecole Montessori is second to none. Authentic Montessori at its finest.

AMI Elementary Guide 2019 -2022
Here at EMC is coherence of vision, lighthearted yet committed support of the staff, warmth of families and community, and a vibrant professional multinational environment. These all come together to create an inspiring place for some of the most important work of the world: helping children grow into their best selves while we also strive to become better adults ourselves. To me, EMC represents attaining an ideal, a model, and an aspiration of what a Montessori school community can be. This is a very special place, and I am grateful to be here.
AMI Primary Guide 2019 -2022
It is not the first time I live and work abroad but it is the first time I feel that my needs and growth -personally and professionally- are as important to the employers. I am so grateful to find a school where the Montessori principles are followed in and out of the classroom. It is not the lack of challenges that makes this school a great workplace, but its supporting and trusting environment where people are encouraged to ask for help, to get together as a group and figure out how to better serve the child. Thank you for everything EMC team :)

AMI Assistant to Infancy Guide 2019-2021
Being at the beginning of my Montessori career I was looking for a school that would allow me the freedom to grow both personally and professionally yet providing me with the support I needed every step of the way. And this is just what I found at École Montessori Casablanca! I am very grateful for the trust that was given to me from the very first day and I feel very proud to call myself a member of this team. Being listened to, honored and recognized for the work I do and for the person I am are important things to me in my daily routine (just as they are important for the children we serve) and EMC has been a great prepared environment to fulfill those needs so far!
AMI Elementary & Primary Guide since 2017
For me coming to Morocco has been wonderful and exciting. I found people here very welcoming and hospitable. Working at Ecole Montessori Casablanca is the best decision I have made. Its cooperative management is there to help, support, and guide you at all times, as well as provides freedom to make mistakes and learn from a friendly positive environment. EMC has given me the opportunity to grow both personally and professionally. I hope to continue my special bond with EMC in the years to come.

AMI Assistant to Infancy Guide since 2017
Warmth, sincere smiles, delicious food, the incredible mixture of smells, the hundreds of shades, of colours. This is the Morocco I discovered. It welcomed me with a loud noise of qraqeb and taste of mint tea, along with true hospitability of the school family, their devotion, and engagement, which make me proudly say that I belong to it.
AMI Primary Guide since 2016
After working here in Morocco for a year I must say I’m working at one of the best schools of the world. It’s my first international experience and I’m glad I opted for this and they selected me. The staff is very helpful and courteous. Other than rendering my services here I’ve learnt so much from this place. The whole community is amazing. Parents are also very cooperative. They trust us so we’re giving our best. Aicha, a very nice lady, is doing a great job! She has a listening ear, and always tries to comfort her employees. I must say Beautiful country, Beautiful people and Beautiful school. Long Live École Montessori Casablanca!!

AMI Elementary & Primary Guide 2013-2021
Morocco is a beautiful country, rich in culture and heritage. I have enjoyed visiting interesting places in Morocco and I have yet to visit a place that I didn’t like or have an interesting history behind it. Moroccan people are a warm and friendly people. Ecole Montessori Casablanca is a school that makes following the AMI principles and Maria Montessori’s philosophy it’s number one priority. The classrooms are furnished with authentic Montessori materials in keeping with AMI standards. The needs of the children and how best to meet these is another of EMC’s priorities. My name is Banke Faloye and It’s been almost 5 years since I began working at Ecole Montessori Casablanca. I must say that my experience here at the school has been a good one. It’s not often that one gets the opportunity to work in a place where you are not only being supported with regards to your work and it being appreciated but they also make sure that your emotional and physical wellbeing is looked after as well. Because EMC cares about the children and their learning, this makes working with children at the school enjoyable as we have these same goals in common.I have worked in the Primary environment in EMC and now in the Elementary, and am quite happy to say that the parent community here is very supportive. I have enjoyed collaborating with them just so that their children can be provided with the best education that can be offered.The children? I can’t forget to mention them. They have always been a joy to be around and continue to be so!
AMI Assistant to Infancy Guide 2015-2019
Ecole Montessori Casablanca offers a community that allows for growth and learning. It is made up of likeminded individuals from diverse backgrounds - which is one of the things I love about it and the diversity has grown with each passing year. Working outside one’s home country can be difficult but since moving to Casablanca over two years ago, I’ve found that having an amazing employer significantly reduces the sort of challenges that are rife with living abroad.I love working at EMC - the work culture of the school is cool and allows for a Guide to manage her environment in the way that works best for her and the children. The administrative team are also very supportive of employees and goals and have encouraged my growth and offered support in order to achieve the best.Working here with other Montessorians, trained at different Montessori institutions around the world is a well of knowledge in itself and has contributed to my professional development as well as perso-nal development.I love the community of colleagues (both local and international) and there’s quite a lot of investment put into helping us grow as a team too. We are encouraged to spend time together and staff days (which are a lot of fun) are planned around this. The school as a community (along with parents) is a fun one too and we get to have fun events.There are always colleagues on hand to offer support and advice on places to visit, things to do, plan-ning holidays and some even travel together too. There’s someone who knows where you can get almond milk or how to order a takeaway meal etc.EMC is an amazing school, employer and community. I love working here and would certainly recommend it to a friend. It is an organisation that is invested in the welfare of its employees as well as the growth of the school.

AMI Primary Guide 2014-2018
Aicha is passionate about providing authentic Montessori education for the families of Morocco, but what impresses me most is her commitment to achieving that goal by supporting the staff of the school. It is easy to fall into the trap of thinking of a school as a business and staff as part of the machinery, judging efficiency and condemning any difficulties. Aicha understands that the preparation of the adult is an ongoing process and that we must all develop a friendly relationship with error. She has worked hard to create a school culture of friendship and support in which we are all learning and we are encouraged to seek help when it is needed.
AMI Primary Guide 2017-2019
The atmosphere at Ecole Montessori Casablanca is one of a family. The teaching staff and admin staff have helped make the transition to a new school and a new country feel effortless. Living in Morocco is a new experience that does not feel daunting with the support and care provided both prior to arriving, and whilst living here. As a new guide I feel supported to explore and challenge myself, without the fear of making a mistake.

AMI Elementary Guide 2018-2019
Educatrice Montessori Française pour les enfants de 6 à 12 ans, je souhaitais ouvrir mon expérience à de nouveaux horizons culturels. En venant travailler à l' EMC, j'ai pu intégrer à la fois une structure montessorienne de qualité tout en explorant la richesse du multi-linguisme qui à mon sens est une force considérable de son environnement. Les enfants que je rencontre ici, dont les besoins sont bien sûr universaux, ont une qualité précieuse : leurs fondations bilingues, voire parfois trilingues, ainsi que l'exposition à l'anglais dès leur plus jeune âge, leur offrent une plasticité cognitive formidable et une ouverture sur le monde précieuse qui facilite l'exploration que nous leur proposons. L'équipe pédagogique quant à elle, riche de sa diversité, se retrouve unie autour des valeurs universelles de Maria Montessori, preuve de la force spirituelle de notre pédagogie.
AMI Assistant to Infancy Guide 2017-2019
I’m very glad and grateful that my practical Montessori experience is taking place at strong and beautiful Ecole Montessori Casablanca. I highly appreciate the communication between guides, assistants, administration and other staff. I know that I can easily rely on any member of our community. Everyone is my friend and everyone irresistibly follows the Montessori principles. The school attentively takes care of its staff and I'm sure that any of my needs will always be successfully satisfied. The administration often organizes staff events which help us share memories.