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Design & Technology (D&T) is an exciting and practical subject that fosters creativity, problem-solving, and technical skills. It enables pupils to understand the principles of design, develop their imagination, and apply their knowledge to create innovative solutions to real-world problems.

In Lower Secondary D&T, pupils engage in a range of design and making activities that incorporate various materials, tools, and technologies. The curriculum focuses on the following key areas:

Designing and Planning: Pupils learn to generate creative ideas, research existing products, and develop design briefs. They explore design thinking processes, including brainstorming, sketching, prototyping, and evaluating potential solutions. Emphasis is placed on developing their ability to plan and manage projects effectively.

Technologies and Materials: Lower secondary pupils are introduced to a wide range of materials, including textiles, wood, metal, plastics, and electronics. They learn about their properties, suitability for specific purposes, and how to select and work with them safely. Pupils also explore emerging technologies and their applications in design and manufacturing.

Making and Evaluating: Pupils have hands-on experiences in manufacturing and constructing products. They use a range of tools, equipment, and techniques to shape materials and assemble components. Throughout the process, they develop skills in precision, accuracy, and craftsmanship. Pupils evaluate their prototypes and final products, considering aesthetics, functionality, and user feedback.

Creativity and Innovation: Lower Secondary D&T encourages students to think creatively and come up with unique and practical solutions. They explore different design concepts, experiment with ideas, and consider sustainability and ethical implications in their design choices. Pupils develop an understanding of how design can shape and improve the world around them.

Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving: D&T nurtures pupils' critical thinking skills as they identify and solve design challenges. They earn to analyse problems, develop criteria for success, and consider constraints and user needs. Pupils apply logical and analytical thinking to refine their designs and find innovative solutions.

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